What features are included in the lifetime access package?

The lifetime access package offers a comprehensive set of features designed to provide you with valuable insights and information. Here's a list of the features included:

1) Balances

2) Volume

3) Fee tracking

4) Unique Activity Count (days, weeks, and months)

5) Wallet Age Analysis

6) Contracts Interaction

7) Bridge Usage

8) Transaction History (across distinct days, weeks, and months)

9) DApp Interaction Tracking

10) Token Interaction Tracking

11) You can see to which wallet and how many times you have sent ETH.

11) Official NFTs. (You won't miss it)

12) Contract Deployment Tracker.

13) Our curated airdrops.

Will a newly added chain / app be displayed on my dashboard?

Absolutely, whenever we introduce a new chain / app, you will automatically gain access to it. This is possible because you have lifetime access. Your dashboard will always reflect the latest chains / apps that we integrate into the platform.

What is the pricing for lifetime access?


What payment options are available?

you can make payments in ETH on the following chains: zkSync, Linea, Base, Optimism, Arbitrum, Scroll, Blast and Mode. We have designed the payment process to be convenient and compatible with these specific chains for your ease of use.

Will new features be added for individuals who have purchased the lifetime access package?

Yes, as part of the lifetime access package, you will benefit from continuous updates and additions to the feature set. We are committed to enhancing your experience by introducing new and valuable features over time. Your investment in the lifetime access package ensures that you'll have access to these future enhancements as well.

Which source chains are tracked for Layer Zero?

Current constraints within the LayerZero Blockchain data limit the tracking of transactions to only these chains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Avalanche-C, Polygon, Fantom, Gnosis, Celo and Base.

Which destination chains are tracked for Layer Zero?

We are tracking all of the chains LayerZero supports. see full list here:

When is the Free LayerZero data updated?

Free LayerZero checker data updates every 24 hours.

When is the Premium LayerZero data updated?